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Revealed a great hidden agenda about China coal mine accidents frequent killed thousands people a year and especially about HeNan Province Dong Xing coal mine killed 25 people as a serious incident

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Speak to Ms CAI Jing 柴静

Speak to Ms CAI Jing 柴静

I would like to speak with 柴静Ms CAI Jing (a famous journalist in China centre television station), I am crying at the middle of the night every day. I still could not talk my life.

I am a Chairman of Zhengzhou Mifeng Paper-making manufacturer州密丰纸业有限任公司 (Afterward call Zhengzhou Mifeng).  Ms CAI Jing interviewed the Mr KANG Houming康厚明(the migration worker, deputy to the National People’s Congress from Chongqing city) and Mr LI Guangxu at 9 March 2009, it exposed the corrupt communist officials conspired with corrupt police who used gangsters attacked Zhengzhou Mifeng on 6th Sep 2008. See this original video on live when you were interviewed them. It is original one on live at 9 March 2009 which has not edited https://www.facebook.com/kejix1#!/groups/138009196245334/photos/.
Up to now, those gangsters have not been punished through the trail in Chinese judicial system. Conversely, corrupt communist officials used armed police arrested my brother, sister and general manager. The Zhengzhou Mifeng has been free transferred to the coal mine owners such as Mr Chen Haicao and Chen Zhongjian.

Where is justice in China? Ms CAI Jing may believe a fake article that is against me in Chinese 股份被神秘转让 州密丰纸业谜调查 http://news.sohu.com/20091124/n268424482.shtml.

Please draw attention is this article published at 24 Nov 2009, after they have been controlled the Zhengzhou Mifeng on 5 May 2009, it has not mentioned 6 security were serious injured.

Please see the article published at 29 April 2009, entitles州密丰纸业9.6”事件后续报<> http://news.xhby.net/system/2009/04/23/010488894.shtml.

I believe the soft-hearted people who can judge which article reported are a true fact.
Soon after 24 Nov 2009, fake report published, according to their well-plan, on 2nd Dec 2009, the madam FU Ying (during that time, she was Chinese ambassador in the UK) handed this fake article visited my university (http://www.coventrytelegraph.net/news/business-news/uk-coventry-business-news/2009/12/02/showing-off-the-best-of-british-92746-25302839/). They tried to block all my ways to kill me.  

I wrote an open letter to question Madam FU Ying, it is against that she takes part in the Britain-China human rights dialogue during the PM Cameron first state-visit in China in Nov 2010 ( more details see: http://my.telegraph.co.uk/stopbloodcoalinchina/stopbloodcoalchina/46/open-letter-to-madam-fu-ying-as-chinese-vice-foreign-minister-of-foreign-affairs-of-china/).

In fact, she has not taken part in even so she was vice minister in charge of EU affairs during that time. That is I proud the UK is leading human rights country.

Now near 3 years, Mr ZHAO Tiechui 赵铁锤国家安全生产监督管理局副局(deputy director of China state work safety supervision Bureau has been stepped down, Mr SONG Chaojun (Former head of police of Xinmi city, Henan province) has been arrested but they are scapegoats, real frontline police such as Mr MA Jiansong etc have been promoted.
The real protect umbrella of Coal Mine is still in high profile. The Zhengzhou Mifeng is still in coal mine owners (Mr Chen haichao, 新密海潮Chen Zhuangjian新密 中建) hands. They used lowest price 30million YUAN (Renminbi) purchased a military hotel亿宾馆 (Billionaire sea Hotel http://www.cingov.com.cn/kaifa/kview.asp?kid=60460) in July 2004 from corrupt military cadres (They are all from Hennan province, included Mr GU junshan (Chinese PLA Lieutenant General, The deputy director of Chinese PLA Logistics Department, Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/china-power-play-anticorruption-officials-vanish-20120208-1rf58.html#ixzz1y6Me4PQx解放军总后勤部副部谷俊山中将recently stepped down and arrested).

They sold this hotel to gain hundreds millions Yuan. Their businesses are shared with those senior corrupt communist officials (they are from Henan or worked high position in Henan Province). They accessed to develop relationship with Mr Bo Xilai薄熙来through the senior corrupt communist officials’ introduction to prompt their business in Chongqing city. Please see 承誉德房地有限公司http://www.cqjob.com/person/companyshow/kxoyoe58eyocwvwwp.shtml

Now, Mr Chen Haicao laid on those corrupt communist officials grabbed title of Zhengzhou deputy of people congress. Their business call Chengyude in Xinmi city, zhengzhou city, Hainan city, Chongqing city else in estate, hotel, and mining etc, industries.  新密承誉德大酒店http://baike.baidu.com/view/5150047.htm
Where a justice is, the coal mines illegally operated to cause a legal person’s workshop damaged, and then arrested the legal person. This is china!

I understood Ms CAI Jing has to survival in China. Even so Ms CAI is a famous journalist, those corrupt communist officials spread rumours to threaten Ms CAI on the internet when Ms CAI rejected to withdraw the video (In fact, this version had been edited, it excludes Mr LI Guangxu said:’ Coal mine stated they used 10 million YUAN to chase, hunt and kill my chairman in the worldwide) about interviewed with MP KANG Houming.

In the end, I understand how the pressure and difficulty are that forced Ms CAI Jing has withdrawn this video in her blogger as her final decision. 

1 comment:

  1. It is a good artilce. it exposes that how those Chinese senior corrupt communist officials abused power to take public robbery.
