The bodies of the last five Chinese miners trapped underground in Henan Province of China have been recovered, bringing the final toll to 37 miners. The colliery is owned by Pingyu Coal & Electric Co Ltd, the official Xinhua news agency reported.

“Ping” means Pingdingshan city. Yu means Yuzhou city. Pingdingshan Energy Chemical group is majority of shareholder of Pingyu Coal mine. Mr. ZHAO Tiechui was former Secretary of Communist party of China committee and vice Chairman of Board of directors of Pingdingshan Coal Group Ltd (part of China Ping Energy Chemical Group) from Nov, 1995 to Dec, 1999 That is why Yuzhou coal mine have been repeated accidents.
one victim’s widow says she believe culpable officials will be not punished in 2008.
“They can find ways to avoid it,” she said.” There won’t be any end to this kind of tragedy.”
This is true, the Zhengzhou Mifeng paper-making (MFP) case is still concealed from June 2006 up to Now even so it was exposed by Chinese Center TV Station and Xinhua news agency, many Chinese media Thus, the accident on 1st Aug 2008 should be recalled for justice. So we strongly appeal to re call the accident on 1 Aug 2008 killed 23 miners with this accident of investigation together. It would promote human rights and stop blood coal in China.
T, GONG points out that one holding a public position and the other acting in a private capacity (GONG Ting :” Forms and Characteristics of China’s corruption in the 1990s: Change with continuity”, Communist and post-communist study: Vol.30, No.3 pp.277-288, 1997). Power changed hands (mainly from upper levels to lower ones) but still functions well as a means of generating personal gains. Y, SUN stated “promotions while engaging in Corruption”. a loophole that encourages wayward officials to seek protectors both locally (so that complaints will not be filed to the higher level), and at the higher level (so that filed complaints will be ignored) (Yan SUN, “Cadre recruitment and corruption: what goes wrong” _on crime Law Soc Change (2008) 49:61-79.).

Zhao Tiechui said in February that China would need at least 10 years to “fundamentally improve” safety and reduce the frequency of such disasters. “Awareness of safety and the rule of law is still low in some coal-rich areas and some coal enterprises,” he said.
For safety and welfare throughout the the mining industry, should be let corrupt senior officials step down as Mr. ZHAO Tiechui then unsafe coal mines have no umbrella. They dare not to ignore the safety regulation because they will be forcibly close if they are not safety and meet the safety standard. it is not needed at least 10 years as he said. one year should be “fundamentally improve” for coal mine safety without corruption.
A scandal buried under truckloads of dirt, may never be discovered.This is true. The Xinmi Coal mine owner CHEN Haichao, The representative of Zhengzhou People Congress (As Local MP in west countries), his coal mine killed more than seventy people in Xinmi City, Zhengzhou, Henan Province of China. He sealed the mine shaft with truckloads of dirt overnight. He spent 30million pounds to deal with authority investigation. Under ZHAO Tiechui supported, Mr. CHEN Haichao became an MP of Zhengzhou city. ZHAO became a member of standing committee of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China. then he is still owner of coal mine but hide to behind coal mines’ operations. this gave Mr.CHEN Haichao opportunity to buy a luxury 5 started military hotel in Beijing City with very cheap price as million pounds. His coal mine subsided the Zhengzhou Mifeng Paper-Making Co. Ltd. Local officials Mr. WANG Wenchao pretended to investigate, then issued a false report to PM WEN Jiabao (Chinese Prime Minister). after that, they used both gangsters and police to take over the MFP and transferred the MFP to his man as CHEN Zhongjian. where is Human rights in China?
The corruption is the root of accidents as why coal miners dead thousands per year in China