Thank you very much for your time and regarding my case.
I need your help to support me completing my PhD and appeal!
My asylum was rejected, I do not know why they did denial of my study right of basic human rights. Studying PhD is my dream.
1. I am big evidence. I am a victim. The warrant of my arrest is illegal and abused human rights. I never receive one penny from the UK government. I paid tax and made a big contribution for UK economy. Removing me back to China quickly enables the corrupted communist officers killed the evidence of their corruption.
2. I am very sad for loss of 69 people’s lives. My hometown is XinMi City, Zhengzhou, Henan Province of China. On 15th March 2010, there was an incident which killed 25 miners in DongXing Coal Mine (DongXing). (Http:// On 31 March, Guomin Mining Co. Ltd in HenNan Province blast claimed 28 and 16 missing (Http:// incidents could have been avoided but it still happened due to real corrupted officials (who did not receive timely punishment).
3. If I was removed to China, can you continually track me where and how they treat me such as arrest, missing or killed in China etc. I announce here I would not be suicide forever! If you heard I am suicide, it could be killed by corrupted communist officers!
It is my only hope that you as protector of human rights can help me who will be completing PhD. It would stop incidents and people deaths in my hometown. It would help that China is no longer to produce a bloody coal! My case is real issue of human rights. Fear engulfed me when I saw their hide agenda. Where might is master, justice is servant. The following documents are just small pieces of the evidence translated I hold. I am also keeping a lot of voice and video records to prove the MFP case as corrupted Chinese officials are involved.
Thank you very much for your support and save my life. I cannot thank you enough!
With Best Wishes
Yrs Sincerely
Keji.xu (PhD Researcher in Business & Engineering Management)
Mr. Xu is boss of ZhengZhou MiFeng Paper-Making Co. Ltd (MFP). His 40 factory workers were attacked on 5.20 am, 6th Sep 2008 by gangsters who had hired by corrupted communist officers Mr. Jiansong, Ma, Mr.Xukang, Wang & Mr.Huaiyi, Liang, in MFP courtyard of XinMi City, Henan Province, R.P. China, and 6 security guards were injured.

The picture shows Mr. JinShan, Wu, the supervisor of security of MFP, was lapsed into unconsciousness in the XinMi City Chinese Medicine hospital due to injuries received in the 96 bloodshed incident on 6th Sep 2008.
The picture shows the Report of pertaining to crime science technique room of XinMi city Police Bureau for Mr. JinShan, Wu as a security, with injured in the 96 bloodshed incident of MFP on 6th Sep 2008.
Please see translated documentary evidence from picture in English.
The pertaining to crime science technique room of Xinmi
Documentary Evidence of Medicolegal Expertise of Human Injury
Public Security Bureau (Xinmi) material evidence identification (medicolegal) word【2008】1178th
Client: Xinmi Public Security Bureau Township Police Precinct
Consignation Time: Sep 8th, 2008
Examination Target: Name: Wu Jinshan, Gender: male, age: 47 and address: Mifeng Paper Industry Co., Ltd.
Brief of the Case: self report: around 6: 00 am on Sep 6th, 2008, attacked and injured in Mifeng Paper Industry Company, and then taken to Xinmi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.
Examination Time: Sep 8th, 2008
1. Summary of case data:
The medical certificate of Xinmi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital shows that: contusion of penis; contusion of head and face;
2. Survey findings:
There is a 3.0*1.0cm2 bruised places on the left face, and a 3.0*1.0cm2 exfoliation places at glans penis and prepuce;
Analysis and interpretation:
Summing up the above referenced “The judgment of human's slight injury” GA/T146-1996, the 4.8; 3.6, this is classified as a slight injury.
Expert conclusion/ appraisal conclusion: Wu Jinshan was slightly injured.
Forensic medical Expert: Xingfang Gao(Signature)
Deming Kong (Signature)
Sep 10th, 2008
The statement issued by the appraisal institution:
1. The evaluation is only available to appraised data and sample;
2. Any doubt on the appraisal result please contact to our institution as early as possible;
3. Without consent of the appraisal institution, no units or individuals may copy the expertise report partially (excluding copy all).
Organization: The pertaining to crime science technique room of Xinmi; Tel: 30072
Address: No.4, Nanmi New Road, Xinmi; Postcode: 452370
The picture shows the Report of pertaining to crime science technique office of XMPB Mr. ZhongYu, Zhang, as a security of MFP, with wounded in the 96 bloodshed incident of the MFP 2008.

Please see following document is translated from Chinese.
The pertaining to crime science technique room of Xinmi
Medicolegal Expertise Report of Human Injured
Public Security Bureau (Xinmi) material evidence identification (medicolegal) word【2008】1178th
Client: Xinmi Public Security Bureau Township Police Precinct
Consignation Time: Sep 8th, 2008
Examination Target: Name: Wu Jinshan, Gender: male, age: 47 and address: Mifeng Paper Industry Co., Ltd.
Brief of the Case: self report: around 6: 00 am on Sep 6th, 2008, attacked and injured in Mifeng Paper Industry company, and then taken to Xinmi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.
Examination Time: Sep 8th, 2008
1. Summary of case data:
The medical certificate of Xinmi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital shows that: contusion of penis; contusion of head and face;
2. Survey findings:
There is a 3.0*1.0cm2 bruised places on the left face, and a 3.0*1.0cm2 exfoliation places at glans penis and prepuce;
Analysis and interpretation:
Summing up the above referenced “The judgment of human's slight injury” GA/T146-1996, the 4.8; 3.6, this is classified as a slight injury.
Expert conclusion/ appraisal conclusion: Wu Jinshan was slightly injured.
Appraiser: Guo Xingfan
Kong Deming
(with Signature)
Sep 10th, 2008
“Jian Zheng Lv Zhi, Gong Shang Guo Shi” programme of ChinaCentre TV station (CCTV) , the famous Presenter of CCTV Ms.Cai Jing interviewed with Mr. KangHou Ming (a Chinese MP) and MFP staff Mr. GuanXu, Li, who presented for “Nong Min Gong and MFP”.(Retrieved on 18/12/2009,Available: CCTV Famous Presenter: Jing, Cai
Please also see the Video from China Centre Television station.
11 March 2009, Channel 1 “News Network” of China Centre Television station, the famous Presenter of CCTV Ms. Cai Jing interviewed with Mr. KangHou Ming (a Chinese MP) and MFP staff Mr. GuanXu, Li, who presented for “Nong Min Gong and MFP”. (Retrieved on 18/12/2009, Available: CCTV Famous Presenter: Jing, Cai
There is a bottomless “bottomless black hole” in the footpath leading to the workers house (30 flats in a building) in the east courtyard of MFP. It is extremely deep. Approximately 100 people live in the workers’ house which is damaged. Another 2 house buildings and 1 accommodation building has also been affected.