(Keji XU) You should back to China family miss you dearly.
I respond to 2915 here:
2915: How are you! I am keji XU. why cannot publish your name?
are you really not Chinese authorities? who are you? please remember here
is UK not China, Why someone announced I wrote a problem dissertation
in the University of Warwick? is this true? I do not know how is successful your power far beyond what is possible in China as used both gangsters and
police, but here is UK as a country which has democracy system of
government. I believe where might is master, justice is servant.
The first step you are fail. you have not arrest me in the London embassy
even so I may dead later.
I knew Madam FU Ying still tried to lobbing in
both UK and China. It intends to catch me back to China and kill me to
cover their corruption. Do not apply UK's law, In Chinese laws you are
illegal as well. I am ready to face everything. I am calling up my last
reserves of strength to fighting with those corrupt senior communist officials. even so I were dead, I would use my wailing of lost souls to claim that those corrupt officials' souls would be condemned to burn in hell for eternity.